Pawlak Skowron and Busse

Dinner during the Rough Set Theory and Granular Computing (RSTGC 2001), Matsue, Shimane, Japan, 20-22 May 2001, (from the left) Sankar K. Pal, Professor Zdzisław Pawlak, Andrzej Skowron, Jerzy Grzymała-Busse . See more photos from original here.

Pawlak skowron Busse

Rory Lewis and Andrzej Skowron

WIth Professor Skowron at Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing, Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
Heidelberg (RSCTC ’08). (pp. 448–456), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 5306. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. Oct. 22nd, Akron Ohio, 2008.

Rory Lewis and Andrzej Skowron at Uniersity of Warsaw

Rory Lewis with Zibigniew Ras and Andrzej Skowron

With Professor's Ras and Skowron in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on RSCTC,
M. Szezula et al. (EDs) LNAI 6068, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg (aRSCTC ‘10). (pp. 610-619), Warsaw, Poland, 2010.

Anita Wasilewska
Rory Lewis with Jerzy Grzymała-Busse and Professor Anita Wasilewska

With Professor Jerzy Grzymała-Busse and Professor Anita Wasilewska (see photo above) at the Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on
Granular Computing
, (GrC ’10). (pp. 277-282), 14th – 16th August, San Jose, CA, 2010.